
  园林规划教研室 2024-01-13 浏览量






1. 本科生:《生态景观规划》,《景观地理学》,《城市绿地规划》,《场地规划与设计》等课程。

2. 研究生:《生态景观规划主题》《生态景观规划与设计》。


[1] 国家自然青年基金,油松和银中杨叶片功能性状对NaCl颗粒物污染的响应及适应性研究(31901361),2020.1~2022.12,24万,主持,结题。

[2] 辽宁省教育厅,城市绿地植被类型和景观结构对颗粒物和负离子的影响,2022.9-2025.12,5万,主持,在研。

[3] 科技服务,沈阳市退耕还林工程生态效益监测,2019-2020,20万,主持,结题。

[4] 科技服务,沈阳市林草生态综合监测,2022.1~2022.12,10万,主持,结题。

[5] 博士启动项目,沈阳农业大学博士启动项目,2017.4~2023.12,10万,主持,结题。

[6] 十三五重点研发子课题,次生林关键种群更新规律及维持机制研究(2017YFC0504140501),2017-2020,46万,参与,结题。


[1] 辽宁省一流课程,城市绿地规划,2020,主讲教师;

[2] 辽宁省一流课程,生态景观规划,2022,主讲教师;



[1] Zhi Zhang; Yu Li; Muni Li; Huan Meng; Tong Zhang; Zequn Peng; Weikang Zhang. 2023. Improving atmospheric particulate matter removal of residential green space based on Landscape patterns and plant functional types[J]. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health. 16, 401–413. JCR 2区, IF=5.3. (唯一通讯)

[2] Li M, Tan P, Rai PK, Li Y, Meng H, Zhang T, Zhang Z, Zhang W. 2023. Suitability Assessment of Six Tree Species through Combined Analysis of PM2.5 Capture Ability and Air Pollution Tolerance Index for Urban Green Belt[J]. Sustainability. 15(20):14744. JCR 2区, IF=4.0. (共同通讯)

[3] 王翘楚, 李玉 李沐倪 孟焕 张智 张桐 张维康. 不同景观空间中颗粒物与负离子对人体舒适度的影响[J]. 生态学杂志. 2023,42(11): 2730-2736. (唯一通讯)

[4] Zhi Zhang, Yanling Chen, Xinru Qiao, Weikang Zhang, Huan Meng, Yu Gao, Tong Zhang. 2023.The Influence of Forest Landscape Spaces on Physical and Mental Restoration and Preferences of Young Adults of Different Genders [J]. Forests, JCR 1区, IF=3.282. (参与)


[1] Li Y., Zhang X., Li M., Yin S., Zhang Z., Zhang T., Meng H., Gong J., Zhang W., 2022. Particle resuspension from leaf surfaces: Effect of species, leaf traits and wind speed[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 77:127740. JCR 1区, IF=6.4. (唯一通讯)

[2] Niu X., Li Y., Li M., Zhang T., Meng H., Zhang Z., Wang B., Zhang W., 2022. Understanding vegetation structures in green spaces to regulate atmospheric particulate matter and negative air ions[J]. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 13:101534. JCR 2区, IF=4.5. (唯一通讯)

[3] Zhang Z., Gong J., Li Y., Zhang W., Zhang T., Meng H., Liu X.. 2022. Analysis of the influencing factors of atmospheric particulate matter accumulation on coniferous species: measurement methods, pollution level, and leaf traits[J]. Environ Sci Pollut R. 29:62299-62311. JCR 2区, IF=5.8. (唯一通讯)

[4] Zhang W., Li Y., Wang Q., Zhang T., Meng H., Gong J., Zhang Z.. 2022. Particulate Matter and Trace Metal Retention Capacities of Six Tree Species: Implications for Improving Urban Air Quality[J]. Sustainability. 14:13374. JCR 2区, IF=3.9. (第一作者)

[5] Zhang Z., Gao Y., Zhou S., Zhang T., Zhang W., Meng H.. 2022. Psychological Cognitive Factors Affecting Visual Behavior and Satisfaction Preference for Forest Recreation Space[J]. Forests. 13.JCR 1区, IF=3.282. (参与)

[6] Zhou S., Gao Y., Zhang Z., Zhang W., Meng H., Zhang T.. 2022. Visual Behaviour and Cognitive Preferences of Users for Constituent Elements in Forest Landscape Spaces[J]. Forests. 13.JCR 1区, IF=3.282. (参与)


[1]  韩静波, 张智, 张维康,刘双芳,彭泽群. 2020. 沈阳东陵公园不同功能分区空气颗粒物与负离子变化[J]. 生态学杂志, 39 (9): 3099-3107. (唯一通讯)

[2] Gao Y., Zhang T., Zhang W., Meng H., Zhang Z.. 2020. Research on visual behavior characteristics and cognitive evaluation of different types of forest landscape spaces[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 54:126788, JCR 1区, IF=5.77. (参与)

[3] 刘双芳,张维康,韩静波,王兵,牛香. 2020. 不同植被结构对空气质量的调控功能[J].生态环境学报, 29(08):1602-1609. (参与)

[4] Wang G., Zhao H., An M, Zhang W.. 2019. Detecting the driving forces underlying the divergence of spruce forests in China: evidence from phytocoenology, morphology and phylogenetics[J]. Journal of Plant Ecology, (1):1. JCR 3区, IF=1.780. (参与)

[5] Zhang,T., Zhang,W., Meng, H., Zhang, Z.. 2019. Analyzing Visitors’ Preferences and Evaluation of Satisfaction Based on Different Attributes, with Forest Trails in the Akasawa National Recreational Forest, Central Japan. Forests. 10(431), 1–21.JCR 1区, IF=3.282. (参与)


[1] 牛香,薛恩东,王兵,张维康,党景中,姜艳.森林治污减霾功能研究-以北京市和陕西关中地区为例[M].科学出版社. 2017,4.

七. 专利:

[1] 张维康, 李玉, 张智, 孟焕, 张桐, 王梦飞. 一种园林水池环保型循环过滤装置(发明专利),2020.


[1] 重基础 强实践 增素质——园林专业“三维协同”应用型人才培养体系改革与实践,辽宁省教育成果二等奖,2022,5/16;

[2] 沈阳农业大学优秀研究生导师,2022;

[3] 沈阳农业大学优秀教师, 2022;

[4] 沈阳农业大学优秀党务工作者, 2021;

